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Power Encounters are Real in the US

Yesterday I was reviewing a new book on power encounters with spiritual forces. This is still a normal reality in Africa, part of everyday spiritual life in most churches. These seem foreign to many of us in the United States. It is almost another world, to us, one we only see in the Bible when we see Jesus cast out a demon. It is easy to look for an over-spiritualized lesson about the character of Jesus while we put the dramatic or the miraculous power encounter aside. After all, we likely have never seen this in our own lives. This morning my Bible reading is in Acts 13, and I have to say to myself, “Not so fast.”

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God Loves to Use African Leaders!

Which biblical leaders do your kids admire? Maybe Moses or Paul? Perhaps King David or Joseph? There’s definitely no shortage of strong leaders in the Bible; God has gifted many people throughout history with skill in leadership and raised them up to accomplish incredible things. But did you know that some of the great leaders in the Bible are Africans?

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A Children’s Book for African Christians

Every parent knows the importance of giving their kids the right books. Books that will edify and encourage their small hearts. Books that will ground them in their identity and show them who they are. Books that will remind them of how much God loves them. But there are very few books that are designed for children who are both African and Christian.

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Encouraged by Their Faith

Has your walk with Jesus become boring and routine? Have the words of the Bible seemed lifeless? Is prayer dry? Does God feel distant? Do you yearn to regain joy and passion in your pursuit of Christ?

If so, you need encouragement from your brothers and sisters. You need to be inspired to pursue God more, and be reminded of the wonderous power of Jesus.

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A Lifeline for Multi-Church Pastors

Though Christianity is rapidly expanding in Africa, the number of pastors has not been growing at the same pace. Those who do have pastoral training oftentimes find themselves assigned to several churches in the same region, where they are expected to meet the needs of many different Christians. There are simply not enough pastors. If you’re a multi-church pastor, odds are you’re feeling weary.

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Following God’s Will for our Lives

Have you ever tried to discern God’s will for your life? Ever prayed to know what plans God has for you, or sought divine guidance in your decisions?

There is nothing more important for a Christian than to seek God’s will. Fortunately, God has already told us much of what he desires us to do.

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