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The “Sin” of Not Controlling Emotions and my 10 Year Old Son

We were having communion at church after a good sermon on how God can bring good out of our guilt.  They took a creative step and were flashing things on the screen that you can give to God and receive his forgiveness:  “lust, lies, bigotry” … then it popped up on the screen.  Laura’s hand shot up in a reflex and hit her head, I felt like I’d been hit in the gut.  They had just flashed “not controlling your emotions,” up on the screen as a sin to deal with in your life.  Since when did that make the list?

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The Hall of Men and Bible Translation

I tell this story to say that I am a passionate, globally minded Christian, driven by fulfilling the Great Commission. And, because I do not want you to take what I have to say out of context. I fear that our massive use of human and financial resources to translate the Bible may not be the best use of the church’s resources nor should it be the church’s top priority.

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Pray with Oasis

By Dr Matthew Elliott, President of Oasis International I recently got back from about three weeks in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and South Africa, where we witnessed the urgent need for Bibles in Africa. In Zimbabwe, only about 25% of the 12 million Christians have access to a Bible. In Nigeria, the Christian Association of Nigeria, with…

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The Fellowship of His Sufferings

When you first became a Christian, what did you expect your life would look like?
Did you think you’d always be happy and content, constantly singing God’s praises from a heart overflowing with joy? Were you surprised to find that all your problems had not vanished? Did you feel angry or confused that suffering was not excluded from your new life with Jesus?

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Did Jesus Need the Holy Spirit?

The ministry of Jesus is a remarkable era in human history. For thirty-three years, God walked on earth as a human being. He performed many incredible miracles, gave world-shaking teachings, and even rose from the dead. How did Jesus do it?

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Exposing the Darkness

Based on “I’d Rather Die on the High Ground” by Namani J. Nharrel No one knew how the god claimed his victims. Whenever someone committed an offence against Magiro, their fate was sealed. Some would be fined or persecuted by Magiro’s secretive cult. But others vanished for ever, said to be “swallowed up” by Magiro.…

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