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A New Way to Lead

When you think of a leader, what comes to mind?

A politician? Your parents? A movie star? A primary school teacher?

The world we live in today is full of leaders. But, as everyone knows, not all leaders are doing their jobs very well. If we look at the leaders in our society, we’re likely to see multiple unpleasant characteristics.

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This is the key to your life

It’s not unusual for people like us to look for the key to a meaningful life. 

There was an old man who, after a long, eventful life, had earned enough respect from the people he led to tell them, “This is the key to your life.” The key was simple and straightforward, and it is the focus of this reflection.

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From Death to Life

How did you come to know Christ? Whether you decided to follow Christ in a single instant or gradually felt your heart turn towards Jesus, every story of how Christ wins souls for himself is precious and valuable. We should never feel bad about having a testimony that isn’t as dramatic as others. Every time Jesus transforms a heart is worthy of great celebration.

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Africa’s Bountiful Harvest

Christianity was already spreading in Africa within a few years after Jesus’ resurrection. It was the home of many of the early church fathers. Recently, over the past century, we have seen a bountiful harvest of Christian believers, probably the greatest church growth in Christian history. This church growth is reshaping African societies. Wow!

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I’m a Single Woman, so What Now?

“Wait… you’re single? You must be, what, 40? And you still haven’t found a husband in all that time? Wow, you must be miserable. I’m sure it’s sad to live a life of failure.” Have you heard these words before? Or spend time with people who sure seem like they’re thinking this? Then you’re not alone.

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Leading the Next Generation Leadership Summit(NGLS)

The summit almost didn’t happen. The leadership team’s car broke down. A torrential downpour turned roads into a muddy morass. Attendees faced long and difficult journeys. But by the grace of God, 200 pastors from Nigeria’s Ekiti State received a great blessing from Anchor International Outreach ministry.

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