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The “Sin” of Not Controlling Emotions and my 10 Year Old Son

We were having communion at church after a good sermon on how God can bring good out of our guilt.  They took a creative step and were flashing things on the screen that you can give to God and receive his forgiveness:  “lust, lies, bigotry” … then it popped up on the screen.  Laura’s hand shot up in a reflex and hit her head, I felt like I’d been hit in the gut.  They had just flashed “not controlling your emotions,” up on the screen as a sin to deal with in your life.  Since when did that make the list?

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The Hall of Men and Bible Translation

I tell this story to say that I am a passionate, globally minded Christian, driven by fulfilling the Great Commission. And, because I do not want you to take what I have to say out of context. I fear that our massive use of human and financial resources to translate the Bible may not be the best use of the church’s resources nor should it be the church’s top priority.

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The Fellowship of His Sufferings

When you first became a Christian, what did you expect your life would look like?
Did you think you’d always be happy and content, constantly singing God’s praises from a heart overflowing with joy? Were you surprised to find that all your problems had not vanished? Did you feel angry or confused that suffering was not excluded from your new life with Jesus?

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God Loves to Use African Leaders!

Which biblical leaders do your kids admire? Maybe Moses or Paul? Perhaps King David or Joseph? There’s definitely no shortage of strong leaders in the Bible; God has gifted many people throughout history with skill in leadership and raised them up to accomplish incredible things. But did you know that some of the great leaders in the Bible are Africans?

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Leading the Next Generation Leadership Summit(NGLS)

The summit almost didn’t happen. The leadership team’s car broke down. A torrential downpour turned roads into a muddy morass. Attendees faced long and difficult journeys. But by the grace of God, 200 pastors from Nigeria’s Ekiti State received a great blessing from Anchor International Outreach ministry.

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Why I’ve Been Weeping Over the Death of George Verwer

George Verwer next to a world globe

I knew George was dying. I still hoped to see him in person on my trip through London in late April. I knew it was his time, but that was OK – my visit would be a holy celebration of a life lived for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A reason to rejoice, not weep.

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