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A Pot for Bibles for Children in Africa

Rhonda Mathias, Vacation Bible School teacher, shares how the children in her church raised enough money to get Bibles to 250 children in Africa. “Our VBS (Vacation Bible School) concluded in June 2021 with a very exciting $500 raised for Oasis, mostly in dimes and quarters from piggy banks, for the children’s Bibles in Africa (God’s…

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Me, a Leader?

No matter if you believe it or not, YOU are a leader. You may have had some difficult experiences with leadership in the past. Maybe you experienced a failed project that cost you a promotion, an unkind boss…

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Why Context Matters

When people learn in conversation that I work to help Africans write and publish materials to grow and disciple God’s people in Africa, I am often asked the question: “So tell me, what is Africa like?” People who have never visited but have heard a lot of bits and…

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An “Oasis” in the Desert

When I came on board as the Regional Director of West Africa for Oasis International, one of the very first assignments the leadership team gave me was a chance to speak both in-person and remotely with community partners in Nigeria and Ghana. My goal for the assignment was to familiarize myself with their successes and challenges…

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Equip Christians and Grow the Faith

Pastor Mark is a young man with a burning heart for God and a gift for speaking. He was appointed village pastor. At first, Pastor Mark confidently repeated the preacher’s teachings about salvation and repentance. But as time went on, Pastor Mark began to wonder, “What should Christians do after being saved?”…

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Advice to a dear friend in business

As long as you have been living how God wants you to in the trials of that day, day-by-day lived before the Lord over the years, you are firmly in his plan. This is true in business just as much as it is with me taking the gospel to Africa through Oasis International…

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