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Advice to a dear friend in business

As long as you have been living how God wants you to in the trials of that day, day-by-day lived before the Lord over the years, you are firmly in his plan. This is true in business just as much as it is with me taking the gospel to Africa through Oasis International…

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Overcoming the Fear of Death

Our worries about sickness reveal a deeper fear that every human shares: the fear of death. Death is one of the worst consequences of humanity’s original sin. This excerpt from Oasis book Overcoming Fear of Death by Richard J. Gehman tells us how faith in Jesus overcomes our fear of death. Whether you live in…

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Why do we suffer – or more importantly, how?

In the current uncertain times, we may not know exactly why we suffer, but God’s word tells us how we can endure. To keep us encouraged, we need to remember that our Saviour suffered with and for us as we read this Africa Study Bible excerpt from the article, “Suffering—God’s Goodness and God’s Power”: Suffering…

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A good God, a broken world

“All suffering in this world challenges us and challenges our faith. But even worse for our faith is when we suffer as believers. We are his people, he is our God! How can he let all these things happen to us?” – Stuart J. Foster. Highly Favoured: Our Powerful God’s Covenant with You. “The Mumaahi…

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