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The Hall of Men and Bible Translation

I tell this story to say that I am a passionate, globally minded Christian, driven by fulfilling the Great Commission. And, because I do not want you to take what I have to say out of context. I fear that our massive use of human and financial resources to translate the Bible may not be the best use of the church’s resources nor should it be the church’s top priority.

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Pray with Oasis

By Dr Matthew Elliott, President of Oasis International I recently got back from about three weeks in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and South Africa, where we witnessed the urgent need for Bibles in Africa. In Zimbabwe, only about 25% of the 12 million Christians have access to a Bible. In Nigeria, the Christian Association of Nigeria, with…

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God Loves to Use African Leaders!

Which biblical leaders do your kids admire? Maybe Moses or Paul? Perhaps King David or Joseph? There’s definitely no shortage of strong leaders in the Bible; God has gifted many people throughout history with skill in leadership and raised them up to accomplish incredible things. But did you know that some of the great leaders in the Bible are Africans?

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This is the key to your life

It’s not unusual for people like us to look for the key to a meaningful life. 

There was an old man who, after a long, eventful life, had earned enough respect from the people he led to tell them, “This is the key to your life.” The key was simple and straightforward, and it is the focus of this reflection.

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Give a Bible through Oasis and you won’t hurt an African

“What?” you may be asking yourself, giving a Bible may hurt an African? Oasis is passionate about the power of God’s Word to change lives. In fact, our motto is “Satisfying Africa’s Thirst for God’s Word.” But did you know there are at least 200 million Christians in Africa without a Bible?

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Why Context Matters

When people learn in conversation that I work to help Africans write and publish materials to grow and disciple God’s people in Africa, I am often asked the question: “So tell me, what is Africa like?” People who have never visited but have heard a lot of bits and…

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